San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program
Key Program Documents
The design for the San Gabriel River Watershed Regional Monitoring Program (SGRRMP) was developed in 2004 by a workgroup consisting of multiple stakeholders representing major permittees, regulatory and management agencies, and conservation groups, vested in water quality and ecosystem health. The development of the program was motivated by a permit condition for the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. Its underlying motivation was increased awareness of important issues at the watershed scale and a related desire to improve the coordination and integration of monitoring efforts for both compliance and ambient condition. The resulting technical workgroup formed to facilitate ongoing dialogue between stakeholders with regard to monitoring, assessment, and regulatory issues.

The Stakeholders for the San Gabriel Regional River Monitoring Program (SGRRMP) and its partners envision a healthy, sustainable San Gabriel River Watershed that meets the water quality, water supply, recreational and habitat needs of its human and biological communities.

Stakeholder Agencies

  1. Los Angeles County Flood Control District
  2. Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
  3. Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
  4. Orange County Stormwater Program
  5. San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy
  6. Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board
  7. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
  8. U.S. EPA
  9. USDA U.S. Forest Service

Participating Consultants

  1. Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Laboratories
  2. Physis Environmental Laboratories
  3. EcoLayers