Prior to implementation of
the SGRRMP, water quality monitoring efforts focused on addressing
potential impacts associated with point and non-point source loadings
to the San Gabriel River with most of the monitoring concentrated in
the Mainstem, downstream of discharges and at major tributary
confluences. As a result, little was known about stream condition in
the rest of the watershed, especially the upper watershed. In
addition, managers knew little about human health issues related to
swimming in streams throughout the watershed and the safety of
consuming fish from local lakes and streams.
The monitoring program followed a phased, four year
implementation plan with additional indicators added each year from
2005 through 2008. Monitoring began in 2005 and focused on the water
quality conditions of the watershed as they related to Questions 1 and
2 by measuring aquatic chemistry, toxicity, and biological and physical
habitat conditions at random and targeted sites.
In 2006 bacterial indicators (Question 4) and fish tissue
bioaccumulation (Question 5) were added to address questions about
water quality, swimming safety and potential risks to human health.
In 2007 the effort to characterize the San Gabriel River Estuary
(Question 2) began with the collection of annual water quality,
sediment chemistry, toxicity, and biological community samples. In
addition, the effort to assess water quality compliance below major
discharges using LACSD receiving water data was begun (Question 3).
Finally, in 2008 the final segment of the monitoring program was
initiated when assessment of wetland habitat conditions commenced at
four habitats of high quality using CRAM assessments (Question 2).
Therefore, all elements of the program were successfully sampled in
2008 representing a four year implementation.
The SGRRMP is an adaptive monitoring program so that modifications to the sampling design can be made as current monitoring data is assessed.
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